7 Beauty Foods That Just Might Make You Smarter Too

Food is a great way to enhance your beauty, as what we eat has a huge influence on our outward appearance. There are several foods that are known for enhancing beauty. But did you know that some of those same foods can also help your brain too? It all comes down to nutrients and antioxidants in foods, both of which can improve your brain function and make you more beautiful too. Who doesn’t want more beauty and brains? These foods make it easier for you to enhance both, and they are easy to incorporate into your daily food regimen as well. If you are ready to eat your way to a more appealing outward appearance and a higher functioning brain, check out these 7 beauty foods that just might make you smarter too. 


Salmon is a great fish to consume for both beauty and brains. This fish is very high in omega 3 fatty acids, which work wonders for memory and focus, and can also treat and even prevent depression. These same components that protect brain health are also great for beauty. Salmon can help to enhance your skin by keeping it soft and supple through higher moisturization. It can also strengthen your hair and nails, and give you an overall natural glow.