5 Reasons to Add More Fermented foods to Your Diet

At one point, not much was known about what lived inside our guts. But as research has advanced, we now know that trillions of bacteria live within your digestive tract. That may sound like a bad thing, but it is actually a positive. We all need bacteria in our gut—that is, “the good”kind”—that keep our immune system healthy and strong. And one of the keys to keeping your gut filled with good bacteria is to feed them. Just like little pets, you have to constantly give your gut certain foods to feed the good bacteria so that they can help fight off bad bacteria, viruses, and bugs. Experts like Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, say that processed foods, which are standard in the Western diet, are terrible for the gut microbiome. This is why it is essential to balance your diet with foods that will improve your gut microbiome, and one of the best things you can eat for this purpose is fermented foods. Read on to learn five reasons to add more fermented foods to your diet. 

You cannot digest food unassisted

If you had no good bacteria in your gut, you actually would not be able to digest any of your food. The good bacteria are what help break down the complex carbohydrates that we all eat. The food you consume goes through a process of fermentation and metabolization, which also produces other substances that assist your health as well. 

To assist in a diverse gut microbiome, you need to make sure you have both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber, which consists of foods like oranges, oats, and beans, is really important for gut diversity. Insoluble fibers are found in foods like whole grains, but they are less beneficial to gut bacteria because they are not easily digestible.