7 Ways to Feel More Positive About Monday

The day of the week that people hate the most by a very long distance is probably Monday. You’re stuck having to get back to work for five days until you get another weekend and if you’re not feeling properly energized to get started about your week, your only real option is to just power through it and hope it’ll get better as the week progresses. Spoiler alert: it never does.

If you’re looking for ways to feel more positive about this most dreadful of events, look no further and keep reading below.

Weekday Plans

The thing that might help against the Monday blues is trying to make some plans for things you can do during the week. It doesn’t have to be much, but it’ll give you something to look forward to and break up your week. Even just the idea of doing anything but work in the next five days is going to give you so much peace of mind that it’s worth turning into your new habit.