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Low-Rise vs. High-Waisted: The Pros and Cons

As fashion continues to evolve, so do different trends and styles. In the last several years, trends with the millennial generation have leaned back towards wide-leg pants. This is after many years of skinny jeans reigning supreme — it seemed like this style was going to last forever. And while many millennials do still love skinny jeans, wide legs have made a major comeback. And Gen Z is hopping on board as well, pairing wide legs with pieces like crop tops, body chains, and jean jackets. While wide legs are trending, another style is making its way back into the mainstream: low-rise jeans. This was all the rage back in the early 2000’s, but some people have not accepted this trend with welcome arms so quickly. Are you on the fence about accepting this throwback trend? Check out all the pros and cons of low-rise and high-waisted jeans.

Jeans, Shorts, Neck, Sleeve, Waist, Dress

Pros of High-Waisted Jeans

High-waisted jeans are a trend that is easy to love. And this goes for other clothing options like skirts too. A high waist cut can instantly make your curves look great, and give your body the appearance of longer legs and a thin waistline. And who doesn’t like to have a bit more length on the leg line? Flowy, long skirts look great with a high waist, or the skirt of a power suit. Jeans look great with a high waist as well, and can really take an outfit up a notch. They are comfortable and go with a variety of different tops, so a pair of high-waisted jeans is always your friend.

Look Com óculos, Hair, Trousers, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Tartan, Eyewear, Vision care, Goggles, Neck, Sunglasses

Cons of High-Waisted Jeans

While it is great to have high-waisted jeans, they are not without their cons and setbacks. Even though this style goes with a lot of tops, there are some you should steer clear of. This is because you will have to consider the possibility of tucking it in. if the top is longer, you will have to decide if it will look better tucked in or if it is better to leave it out.

If you decide to leave it out, you will lose the beauty of high-waisted cuts, which is to accentuate the waistline. If you tuck it in, you run the risk of your waistline looking frumpy and bulky — and no one wants that. This is one of the reasons why people are beginning to gravitate back towards low-waisted jeans.

Another problem that some people run into with high-waisted jeans is where exactly the rise will meet their bodies. If it is too high, it can look a bit ridiculous. If it’s too low, then you lose the look and effect altogether. This can be another reason that some are apprehensive to accept the trend of high-waisted pants coming back into style.

Style Low Rise Jeans, Jeans, Photograph, White, Black, Sleeve, Waist

The Pros of Low-Waisted Jeans

One of the biggest pros of low-waisted jeans will be variety. As low-waisted jeans are back in action, you can expect there to be a lot of options to choose from. This can make exploring this trend that much more exciting.

But another main pro of this style is nostalgia. For those who grew up during the early 2000’s, low-waist will bring back some great memories and reunite you with your youth. This will be a big bonus for millennials, who were likely coming of age during this era. For Gen Z, this will be a totally new look but can make you feel like you are embodying a different era.

Another pro of low-waisted jeans is that they will show off your body in a different way than high-waisted ones. It can make your curves look great and accentuate your mid-drift area. A pair of low-waisted jeans and a crop top is a great look to try out.

Low Rise Jeans, Joint, Flower, Plant, Shoulder, Sleeve, Standing, Waist

Cons of Low-Waisted Jeans

One reason that people are uncomfortable with low-waist jeans is the same reason that some people love them. They show off your midsection, which can make some people a little rattled. The most important thing with choosing clothing is picking an option that makes you feel great about your body. So whether you choose low or high waist, make the decision that makes you love your body that much more.

Tags: curves, low-rise jeans