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8 Secret Superfoods For Weight Loss

As we continue to discover more about health, what has been uncovered is the importance of gut health for overall wellness. There are approximately 80 trillion cells that make up the gut microbiome, and they are ready to come to your health defense at all times. These little cells help the body absorb nutrients, fight off disease, and make up the foundation for all bodily systems. And because of this, what you put into your gut directly affects these good bacteria cells, and thus your overall health. This is why eating properly is so essential to your wellness in a number of ways: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here’s where superfoods come in, as wonderful options to boost your gut health. Learn more about 8 secret superfoods for weight loss.

Sapote Fruit, Food, Plant, Ingredient, Recipe

Black Sapote

Black Sapote is known as the “chocolate pudding fruit.” This is because it has a dark brown, rich, and creamy interior that looks and kind of tastes like chocolate pudding. The great thing about this fruit is that it is so much healthier than the popular sugary dessert. Black Sapote clocks in at just 130 calories per serving, and a whopping 191 grams of vitamin C. That’s twice as much as an orange! It is rich in carotenoids and catechins, which are useful in releasing fat from cells and help the liver turn fat into energy. You can enjoy black sapote directly from the fruit, or blend it into a smoothie, or even make a pie or dessert.