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What is Visceral Fat?

As we know, there are many different types of fat. The type of fat determines how it will affect your body. One type of fat that is present in the body is visceral fat. It can be hard to detect how much of this pesky fat is in the body. You can have visceral fat and have a somewhat flat stomach. When this happens, it’s called TOFI: thin outside fat inside. The only way to find out how much of this fat is in your body is through an expensive test, one which a doctor will not order for this purpose alone. As many people don’t know that this type of fat even exists, even fewer understand just how dangerous it can be.

Over Weight, Joint, Arm, Stomach, Muscle, Neck, Sleeve, Orange, Waist, Gesture

Dangers of Visceral Fat

Any type of fat in large amounts is not healthy, but visceral fat is linked to a number of health conditions. Some of these include Alzheimer’s, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and many more. This is because research has shown that visceral fat is responsible for creating a protein that can cause inflammation in tissues, organs, and blood vessels.