7 Instagrammers to Follow for Intuitive Eating Inspiration

It can be difficult to know how to improve your diet with so many different types of advice and schools of thought about healthy living. It can seem that every time you turn around, there is a new trendy diet or weight loss product that everyone swears by. Trying to decipher between so much information and harsh rules about dieting can be such a burden. But there are some people who believe you shouldn’t have to stress that much when making a lifestyle change. These folks follow a concept called intuitive eating. This is an approach that says we shouldn’t be on a diet, per say — but we should make peace with our food and be aware of physical sensations in our body. Evelyn Tribole, RDN, coined the term “intuitive eating” in 1995. “Really it’s about healing the relationship between food, mind, and body,” she said. “The way diet culture has been, it creates all this fear-mongering and demonizes food. Intuitive eating puts you in charge, and stops this constant anxiety of worrying about food and your body,” she went on. To get inspiration from some others who specialize in this concept, check out these 7 Instagrammers to follow for intuitive eating inspiration.


Britt Berlin’s Instagram account is @the_bananadiaries and she loves sharing tips on wellness and recipes for dishes like sweet potato waffles. She explores topics like mental health, spirituality and, of course, food on her blog. She also runs a mentorship program called Healing360 that helps people overcome their anxieties around food, as well as to find healing in how they perceive the relationship between food, their bodies, minds, and spirits.