6 Reasons You Aren’t Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals

Losing weight is far more complicated than it seems. Although people will tell you to follow the golden rule of burning more calories than you consume, if it were that simple, we’d all be our desired weight. But there are a lot of other factors to consider such as genetics, how much sleep you’re getting, and how much muscle you have. The good news is, by focusing on the little things and demonstrating some discipline, you can reach your weight loss goals. Here are 6 reasons why you might be struggling with this.

1. Your Gut Isn’t Happy

The more scientists learn about our microbiome (that would be the bacteria in our guts), the more they are discovering how essential it is in maintaining a healthy weight. It turns out, having a diverse set of probiotics and prebiotics in our stomachs can prevent weight gain and decrease the likelihood of having a body mass index that exceeds the recommended levels.

The Solution: Although you’ve probably heard a lot about the importance of consuming probiotics (such as the kind found in yogurt and kombucha), don’t forget about prebiotics, the kind you’ll find in fruits and vegetables. Mix things up by eating broccoli one day and then a tomato salad the next. Your gut will thank you!