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10 Tips For Winning Him Over

So you’ve met a guy and you think things have the potential to get serious. He’s funny, interesting, and has goals that extend beyond playing World of Tanks all day. Congratulations, he might be a keeper! But you aren’t out of the clear yet. If you want to make sure the relationship grows, there are several strategies that you need to utilize. It won’t be easy, but if you really work on it, you might find yourself stuck with him forever…and we meet that in the best possible way!

Woman Flirting, Smile, Tableware

Make him earn it

You might be attracted to him, but it doesn’t mean you should just throw yourself at him. By doing so, he will immediately wonder if you act this way around every guy you barely know. Instead, you want to turn it into a game of cat and mouse. Play it cool; hint that you are open to his advances, but create enough distance that makes it clear he has to work to win your heart.