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15 Terrifying Signs That You Are The Crazy Girlfriend

Love can make us do strange things, which is not too surprising since being in love impacts us on every level. It alters the brain chemically, affects your emotional state, and can make you feel completely transcendent. But all of this can converge to make us act and behave in ways we normally wouldn’t. It is easy to become so wrapped up in your significant other that you become possessive, or even dangerous and abusive. On the flip side, depending on the kind of person you are in love with, you may also be subject to manipulation and exploitation of your weaknesses or insecurities. All of these complex intricacies of love can really do a number on the psyche and leave you feeling pretty outside of yourself. It can be hard to really determine objectively if things have gone too far. For some perspective, check out these 15 terrifying signs that you are the crazy girlfriend.

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You cry over very simple things

Have you ever watched a movie that features a woman who seems to cry over every little thing? Does this feel relatable at all? It could be something as simple as your partner’s facial expression, or their kind gesture to a stranger.

You want constant contact

Are you always calling or texting your partner? It is not really healthy to feel like you need to have a constant exchange with your partner throughout the day. If you are texting incessantly, or feel frustrated or hurt when they don’t constantly contact you, this is a warning sign.

You see all women as a threat

Even a mere glance of your partner in the direction of another woman, or another woman noticing your partner can send you into a frenzy. Every woman is not your enemy, but you have personified them all as a potential threat.