3 Practical Tips To Make Him Miss You Like Crazy

What if you discovered that you don’t need to resort to tactics to make a guy miss you? It’s true, despite the abundance of misguided dating advice advocating manipulative methods to deceive him into longing for you. You’ve probably heard the suggestions: provoke jealousy, create drama, and give him the cold shoulder. Essentially, it makes him feel miserable.

Doesn’t sound like something a confident woman would do, does it? In reality, attempting these strategies might backfire, leading him to question your sanity and potentially distance himself from you completely. To truly make him yearn for you, try the opposite approach. Essentially, all it takes for a guy to miss you are positive emotional connections and the opportunity to cherish them.

But before we explore this further, let’s pause to consider why you feel compelled to make him miss you in the first place.